dog days什么意思(“三伏天”英语怎么说?)


dog days


该习语的字面意思是“狗日子”,主要用来喻指“the very hot days during July and August”,即“七月和八月的酷热天气”,相当于汉语里的“三伏天;大伏天;酷暑期”。


Thus, from ancient times, people developed many activities to escape the heat of Dog Days.


I can do nothing except for swimming in the dog days of summer.


Emperor He of Han Dynasty decreed that during Dog Days, everyone should close their doors and rest all day.


These are known as the "dog days" of summer in the United States, when temperatures soar and nobody wants to move quickly.



该习语的起源其实跟狗没有关系。古罗马人注意到,一年中最热的日子,即7月底和8月初,恰逢天狼星——狗星(Sirius – the Dog Star)出现在与太阳相同的天空中。天狼星是大犬座中(the Canis Major constellation)最大最亮的恒星,事实上它是天空中最亮的一颗恒星。

当然,作为罗马人的想法,“夏季热狗日”不适用于南半球,那里的七月和八月是一年中最冷的时候。古人认为,这颗恒星导致了白天的炎热。形容词Canicular的意思是“与天狼星有关”,所以狗日也被称为Canicular日(即三伏天)。这在约翰·德·特雷维萨(John de Trevisa)1398年的著作《巴托洛梅乌斯·德所有权》(Bartholomeus de proprietatibus rerum)中首次用英语提及:

“In the mydle of the monthe Iulius the Canicular dayes begyn.